King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), Thailand and Chengdu Technological University (CDTU), China virtual meeting

On 15th September 2020, Prof. Dr. Somrek Chandra-ambhorn, Vice President for Research and Information Technology Development, chairman of the meeting for KMUTNB, alongside with Ms. Phimvalanch Moosikaphan, Director of International Cooperation Centre (ICC), had an online meeting with delegates from Chengdu Technology University (CDTU), China, represented by Ms. LI Xi, Director of International Office of CDTU chairman of the meeting for CDTU. On this occasion, Mrs. Thippawan Supamitkitja (Consul-General of Royal Thai Consulate-General in Chengdu honer participated at the virtual meeting between KMUTNB and CDTU. The virtual meeting’s objectives were to provide necessary information about the cooperation projects between KMUTNB and CDTU related to the Thailand Eastern Economy Corridor (EEC), discuss about the action plan and explore future collaboration. The collaboration between KMUTNB and CDTU has started thanks to the suggestion and help from the Royal Thai Consulate-General (RTCG) in Chengdu, China. The cooperation between KMUTNB and CDTU focus on EEC area in Thailand which involve three KMUTNB faculties in Rayong Campus including: 1) Faculty of Science, Energy and Environment, KMUTNB Represented by - Asst. Prof. Dr. Sabaithip Tungkamani (Faculty Dean) - Asst. Prof. Dr. Nutdechatorn Puangngernmak (Associate Dean for Information Technology and Industrial Relations) 2) Faculty of Business Administration, KMUTNB Represented by - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thanin Silpcharu (Faculty Dean) - Asst. prof. Dr. Thitirat Thawornsujaritkul (Associate Dean for Administration) 3) Faculty of Engineering and Technology, KMUTNB Represented by - Dr. Thawatchai Wongchang (Faculty Dean) - Dr. Jaruwan Tangtonsakulwong (Lecture) Three CDTU faculties involved in the cooperation: 1) School of Big Data and AI Represented by - Zhou Bo (Vice Dean) - Sun Yufang 2) School of Economics and Management Represented by - Tang Xinzhi (Vice Dean) 3) School of Materials and Environment Engineering Represented by - Bai Yang

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