KMUTNB's Delegate Attending Learning Express Virtual Conference 2020

On 9 October 2020, LeX facilitators of KMUTNB side, including Asst. Prof. Dr. Thitirat Thawornsujaritkul and Miss Pakchanya Boonchukam, Faculty of Business Administration, Dr. Prawech Chumkesornkulkit, College of Industrial Technology, Ms. Phimvalanch Moosikaphan and Mr. Parit Phanichakarn, International Cooperation Centre attended the Learning Express Virtual Conference 2020 organized by Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore. For the past two years, KMUTNB has collaborated with Singapore Polytechnic (SP) to organize the Learning Express (LeX) KMUTNB - SP Collaboration Program with the aim of training students to create new and innovative solutions to solve societal problems through employing the Design Thinking Methodology. While attending this program, both Thai and Singaporean students had a chance to conduct interviews and surveys of the community dwellers’ urgent needs. Then, the collected data will be discussed and analyzed in order to design innovations that correspond to the community dwellers’ needs and effectively improve the quality of their lives. The LeX Project was organized at KMUTNB Bangkok Campus in 2018 and at KMUTNB Prachinburi Campus in 2019. Actually, the project would be held at Rayong Campus this year, but both parties has agreed to postpone the program due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, Singapore Polytechnic has invited LeX facilitators for the next project to participate in the Learning Express Virtual Conference 2020 held on an online platform. Also, in this conference, Mr. Parit Phanichakarn gave a presentation on “Sustainable Development Goal Project.”

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