The KMUTNB Delegates Visit Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Germany

During 3 – 4 August 2022, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pichet Sriyanyoung, Dean of International College and Ms. Phimvalanch Moosikaphan, Director of International Cooperation Centre (ICC), KMUTNB, visited Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences (HS-Bremerhaven), Germany. The delegation from KMUTNB had a meeting to discuss about the academic collaborations with Prof. Dr. dr hc Gerhard M. Feldmeier, Dean of Faculty of Management and Information Systems, Prof. Dr. Gina Wagener from Department of Cruise Tourism, Dr. Helga Beste, Third Mission Department and Ms. Tina Gersdorf, HS-Bremerhaven International Office.

The KMUTNB delegates also attend the presentation of study project by KMUTNB students who are studying in the 3+1 Program under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Birgit Vock-Wannewitz and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lukas, Professors for Business Administration. Also, the team of KMUTNB discussed and exchange view on the effective organizing of education in the disruptive era, which the roles of educators have to be modified to meet the needs of the future students. Moreover, on 4 August 2022, both KMUTNB and HS-Bremerhaven agreed to sign the Inter-institutional Agreement of Cooperation on Double Degree Program (3+1 Program) in BBA (International Trade and Business Logistics) and BA (Cruise Tourism Management), which will expand the educational opportunities for Thai and German students. This program will start on the academic year 2023.   

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