GTDEE Present German Engineering Books and Textbooks for KMUTNB

On 14 June, 2022, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Suchart Siengchin, President of KMUTNB welcomed the representatives from German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC): CIM Integrated Expert and GTDEE Project Director Mr. Markus Hoffmann and Senior Manager of GTDEE Department Dr. Kamonsak Suradom at KMUTNB.  The honorable delegates from GTCC presented the engineering books and textbooks in various fields, for example electrical engineering, material engineering, automotive technology, and Fachkunde Mechatronik Version 6 which are German original textbooks and had been translated by the experts to English and Thai languages by KMUTNB's experts. The books are under the copyright of EUROPA Lehrmittel which gave KMUTNB the great honor to receive and distribute them. The textbooks will be provided to College of Industrial Technology library and will be in KMUTNB Textbook store for purchasing. 

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