On 15 March 2023, Conference Room, Office of the President Building, KMUTNB Rayong Campus, Dr.  Satit Pitutecha, Deputy Minister of Public Health, and Dr. Piya Pitutecha, President of Rayong Provincial Administrative Organization, honored to co-preside over the closing ceremony, delivered congratulatory remarks, and presented certificates to the participants and facilitators of the KMUTNB x SP Temasek Foundation Specialists’ Community and Leadership Exchange Programme 2023 (KMUTNB x SP TF-SCALE 2023). The two distinguished guests were warmly welcomed by Prof. Dr. Thanin Silpcharu, Vice President for KMUTNB Rayong Campus, and Dr. Sarawut Suebyaem, Assistant to the President for Financial and General Affairs.

King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok and Singapore Polytechnic has continually developed a close academic collaboration for years. The beginning of this productive partnership began with the signing of the 1st MoU in 2018. Since then, both institutions consistently co-organized activities to develop the student’s potential, especially to promote their understanding in Design Thinking Methodology. Those activities enabled the students to both improve their empathy skills and innovation skills. KMUTNB always places importance on the promotion of design thinking skills as the students can apply it with the knowledge being learned in classes to create innovative solutions that will benefit the whole community. This is also in line with the university’s mission to provide the best possible practice-based learning education. In the past few years, both institutions cooperated to hold several activities as follows.

- The Learning Express (LeX) 20018 in 2018, at KMUTNB Bangkok and Ang Thong Province

- The Learning Express (LeX) 20019 in 2019, at KMUTNB Prachinburi Campus 

However, the outbreak of coronavirus 2019 has made the onsite activity impossible. As the pandemic situation has improved now, KMUTNB and Singpore Polytechnic were agreed to organize the Temasek Specialists’ Community and Leadership Exchange (TF SCALE). The program was divided into two parts. The first part was held between 18 September to 1 October 2022 in Singapore. Singapore Polytechnic and Temasek Foundation provided scholarships for 20 KMUTNB students to attend this Program in Singapore, and it was also participated by the students from other universities in ASEAN countries, like Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Indonesia, National University Management, Cambodia.

The second part called “KMUTNB x SP Temasek Foundation Specialists’ Community and Leadership Exchange” was arranged at KMUTNB Rayong campus during 6 – 17 March 2023. This program allowed 20 Thai participants and 20 Singaporean participant to visit the local community to survey the problems of villagers under the supervision of 2 Thai facilitators and 2 Singaporean facilitators. Then, the students will analyze the collected data and brainstorm to design innovative solutions for the local community. The theme of the students’ projects was preventive healthcare. The students had an opportunity visited and conducted interview at the four health promoting hospitals in Rayong Province, including Ban Krachet Health Promoting Hospital, Ban Nong Sapan Promoting Hospital, Ban Chakbok Health Promoting Hospital, and Ban Phayun Promoting Hospital. This program gave a chance to the participants to contribute to find innovative solutions for the community in the aspect of healthcare. Beside improving design thinking skills, the students will learn to work as a team, develop cross-cultural competence and build a connection with international friends.

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