Four Longstanding Partners Recognized with KMUTNB’s Distinguished Person Award 2025
On 19 February 2025, at the celebratory reception of “KMUTNB’s 66th Founding Anniversary Day, Air Chief Marshal Chalit Pukbhasuk, Privy Councilor, presented the 2025 distinguished person awards to the university’s longstanding academic partners who has made remarkable contributions to the development of KMUTNB’s international cooperation and educational quality. The award recipients are as follows.
1. Prof. Dr. Bernard Davat
Prof. Dr. Bernard Davat made a noteworthy contribution to promote the fruitful collaboration between KMUTNB and University of Lorraine (UL), France, centering around the technology transfer and research in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and energy. The cooperative projects achieved successes in a wide range of cooperation, including the co-organizing of training programs, joint research program, scholarships provision, curriculum development, faculty member, researcher and student mobility. Also, Prof. Dr. Bernard Davat played a crucial role in the establishment of the Renewable Energy Research Centre (RERC) at KMUTNB, which was approved and recognized by the University of Lorraine as its off-campus specialized research centre.
2. Prof. Dr. Eiji Hayashi
For over 15 years, Prof. Dr. Eiji Hayashi has contributed greatly to the development of close and meaningful cooperation between KMUTNB and Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan. The cooperation between the two institutions has grown sustainably and resulted in various fruitful outcomes, ranging from the exchange of staff and student, and the collaborative research activities focused on Robotics and related fields. Moreover, the faculty members and students from the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Technical Education, College of Industrial Technology, and Faculty of Applied Science also were granted MEXT scholarships for pursuing their Master's and Ph.D. degrees at Kyutech. The flourishing of the KMUTNB – Kyutech collaborations opened the door for the academic, cultural, scientific and technology exchange between Thailand and Japan.
3. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Maximilian Feldmeier
From 2015 onwards, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Maximilian Feldmeier has been a key figure in the development of the academic cooperation between KMUTNB and Hochschule Bremerhaven, University of Applied Sciences, Federal Republic of Germany. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Maximilian Feldmeier was also a pivotal contributor in the founding of KMUTNB’s International College. He initiated the organizing of the International Summer School Program at Hochschule Bremerhaven and he offered fully funded scholarships to KMUTNB students from International College to attend this program every year. Furthermore, he initiated the cooperation on launching the Double-Degree (3+1) Thai-German. Also, he contributed to the initiation of cooperative activities between Hochschule Bremerhaven and various academic units in KMUTNB.
4. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Herwig Unger
Form 2007 onwards, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Herwig Unger has played a prominent role in the development of academic cooperation between KMUTNB and FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany. He contributed remarkably to the initiative on the Binational Ph.D. Program in Information Technology and the student and researcher exchange program sponsored by DAAD. Presently, he is carrying out the cooperation on internship program for the students of KMUTNB Prachinburi Campus and students of the Information Technology Informatics for Digital Economy Program (I-BIT), Faculty of Information and Digital Innovation, KMUTNB Bangkok Campus.