Trilateral Meeting Strengthens Academic Ties Between KMUTNB, Université de Lorraine, and Kyushu Institute of Technology

On 31 October 2024, a trilateral meeting between KMUTNB, Université de Lorraine (UL), and Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) was held in the Pole Star Meeting Room of the STRI Building. The meeting, which discussed future plans for academic cooperation among the three universities, was honored by the presence of Mr. Dr. Ludovic Andres, Attaché for Scientific and Higher Education Cooperation of the French Embassy. The UL delegation was led by Prof. Dr. Karl Tombre, Vice President of International Affairs, and Mrs. Nathalie Fick, Director of the International and European Office. Kyutech's delegation included Assoc. Prof. Dr. ABE Seiya and Mr. Toshiro WAKABAYASHI, Director of the International Affairs Division. The KMUTNB executive team, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Suchart Siengchin, KMUTNB President, Ms. Sikan Kulchonchan, Vice President for International Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Somrerk Chandra-ambhorn, Vice President for Research and Information Technology Development, warmly welcomed the delegates from both universities.

For several decades, KMUTNB and Université de Lorraine have formed a meaningful partnership that has continually yielded fruitful outcomes. The two universities have actively engaged in cooperative activities, including joint research publications, the launch of a dual-degree program in Electrical Engineering and Energy, and the establishment of the Renewable Energy Research Centre (RERC), a joint laboratory for researchers from both universities. Similarly, KMUTNB and Kyutech have committed to academic collaboration for over 15 years, developing short-term student exchange programs, a double master’s degree program in Engineering, and the KMUTNB-Kyutech Collaboration Satellite Office. The new trilateral initiative marks a joint effort by the three universities to contribute to the advancement of education and research in electrical engineering and related fields.

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