The Delegation from United Kingdom to Visit KMUTNB

On 10 October 2022, at 215 Meeting Room, Anekprasong Building, KMUTNB, Prof. Dr. Somrerk Chandra-ambhorn, Vice President for Research and Information Technology, warmly welcomed the delegates from United Kingdom and had a meeting to explore the potential areas to initiate the academic cooperation. The delegation from UK included Prof. Gui-Yun Tian, Prof. Mark Robinson, and Mr. Thomas McDonald, Newcastle University, Prof. Simon Iwnicki, Huddersfield University, Prof. Sheng-feng Qin, Northumbria University. They visited KMUTNB to be keynote lecturers in the summer school organized by the British Council on UK-China BRI Countries Education Partnership Initiative project (2020-2025) on Digital twin-driven lifecycle smart product design and manufacturing for railway industry.

From 10 to 12 October 2022, the 2nd International Summer School on Digital Twin in Railway Engineering International Summer School on Digital Twins in Railway Engineering was held at Wichitwathi Conference Room. This summer school was aimed to invite collaborative discussion into topics spanning applications of Digital Twin applications ranging across Rolling Stock design, Asset Management and Railway Signalling. The event is hybrid program which the participant could attend both in person and online.

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