KMUTNB Students Participated the SP Virtual Exchange 2020 organized by Singapore Polytechnic (SP)

During 2 – 30 November 2020, 10 selected students of Faculty of Information Technology and Digital Innovation, College of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Business and Industrial Development, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science and faculty of Engineering and Technology, represented KMUTNB to participate in the “Singapore from Your Home. SP Virtual Exchange 2020.” This program was organized by Singapore Polytechnic (SP) for students in selected Learning Express Partners Universities to join the virtual classroom together with SP and other ASEAN students. In this virtual cultural exchange program, students had a chance to learn, share and exchange insights to their countries and learn more about Singapore. After attending the class, the students would join the breakout session for discussion on the ASEAN’s geography, society, economy and politics etc. The students selected by International Cooperation Center to participate this program are as follws: Mr. Wedpisit Tuntichavalis, Mr. Wichapol Leephakphumphanich, Ms. Chutikan Wuttapanich, Ms. Supatsara Sirirattanaporn, Mr. Thanapat Wattanaserarat, Ms. Puttaranit Keawwiset, Mr. Tantikorn Chongchiravisal, Ms. Phungbudh Sapprasert, Mr. Kittipos Yainoi and Mr. Thanakorn Nithipatarpa.

by IA Staff [ 18/12/2563 ]

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