Unboxing “TheBrain”: The Cooperative Event between KMUTNB and Fern University in Hagen, Germany

On 9 December 2020, on 7th Floor, Central Library Building, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok collaborated with Fern University in Hagen, Germany, to host the first virtual event: Unboxing “TheBrain” in order to exhibit the most recent outcome of the long-term cooperation between the team of Thai and German researchers. The conference emphasized on New, Decentralized Internet-technologies to process natural language in form of the following innovative applications: 1) a Medical Diagnostic System 2) The 2nd version of our fully integrated web search engine “WebEngine.” Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Herwig Unger, Chair of Communication Networks Fern University in Hagen, is the moderator in this conference. This event was attended by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Suchart Siengchin, KMUTNB President, Ms. Sikan Kulchonchan, Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Georg Verweyen, Director of DAAD Information Centre Bangkok, Asst. Prof. Dr. Khridsadakhon Booddachan, Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology and Management, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anirach Mingkhwan, Former Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology and Management, Asst. Prof. Supeeti Kulchan, Associate Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology and Management, and Asst. Prof. Nuttapun Nakpong, Assistant Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology and Management.
by IA Staff [ 18/12/2563 ]

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