Thai-French Innovation Institute enters Memorandum of Understanding with SPIE Oil & Gas Services

On 1 October 2021, the virtual MOU signing ceremony was held in order to officially establish the collaboration between SPIE Oil & Gas Services, an international subsidiary of the SPIE group specializing in the energy sector, and the Thai-French Innovation Institute (TFII) in the area of education, research and industry. The ceremony was co-presided by Prof. Dr. -Ing. habil. Suchart Siengchin, KMUTNB President, and Mr. Brice AUGAY, Business Unit Manager Asia Pacific at SPIE Oil & Gas Services. On this occasion, the team of executives from both sides also attended the event and discussed the potential to expand collaborative activities between SPIE Oil & Gas Services and KMUTNB into other areas, including Ms. Sikan Kulchonchan, Vice President for International Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Wattana Kaewmanee, Director of Thai-French Innovation Institute, Asst. Prof. Dr. Suphot Chunwiphat, Dean of Graduate College, Asst. Prof. Dr. Phongsak Keeratiwintakon, Director of Thai-German Dual Education and e-Learning Development Institute (TGDE), representatives from SPIE Oil & Gas Services were Mr. Sebastien Daniel, Commissioning Service Line Manager, Mr. Steve Platten, Business & Operation Manager, Mr. Mark Staunton, Engineering Department Manager, and Ms. Jindamanee Saensawart, Human Resource Manager.

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