KMUTNB and Kyutech Strengthen Decade-Long Collaboration with Opening of Satellite Office: A New Chapter in Academic Partnership

On 19 February 2024, at Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Suchart Siengchin, KMUTNB President, and Prof. Dr. Yasunori MITANI, Kyutech President, Prof. Dr. Tohru Kamiya, Kyutech’s Vice President for International Affairs, co-presided over the opening ceremony of the KMUTNB- Kyutech Collaboration Satellite Office. The KMUTNB President delivered a remarks stating that the KMUTNB-Kyutech cooperation is apparently on the right track, as the academic collaborations between the two universities has continually been grown and increasingly expanded during the past 15 years. Also, he believes that the founding of KMUTNB-Kyutech Collaboration Satellite Office will signify a new era of collaboration, nurturing the people-to-people ties among Kyutech alumni. This office symbolizes the enduring spirit of cooperation that continue to thrive and bring forth new achievements for over a decade. 

Also, on this occasion, the KMUTNB presidents presented the appreciation plaques to Prof. Dr. Yasunori Mitani, Prof. Dr. Masaki Fuchiwaki, Prof. Dr. Eiji Hayashi and Mr. Toshiro Wakabayashi whose commitment and dedication were crucial to the development of partnerships between the two universities, which began with the signing of the first MoU in 2009. Since then, various cooperative projects have been implemented throughout the past 15-year, such as the student exchange programs, the launching of double master’s degree program, the organization of the problem-based learning (PBL) program in robotics, and finally the establishment of the KMUTNB-Kyutech Collaboration Satellite Office, which will serve as a dynamic platform for students, faculty members, and alumni from both institutions to exchange academic and research information. 

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