The Virtual Meeting of the Delegates from KMUTNB and CDTU to Discuss the Potential Areas for Future Collaboration

On 22 April 2021, Asst. Prof. Dr. -Ing. Sunantha Sodseethe, the dean of Faculty of Information Technology and Digital Innovation, presided over the virtual meeting between the team of KMUTNB and the team of Chengdu Technological University (CDTU) to explore the potential areas for initiating academic collaboration between both universities on Information Technology. The KMUTNB side was represented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Sakchai Tangwannawit, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research, Mr. Tongpool Heeptaisong, Head of Department of Information Technology, Asst. Prof. Dr. Sucha Smanchat, lecturer of Faculty of Information Technology and Digital Innovation, and also Ms. Phimvalanch Moosikaphan, Director of International Cooperation Centre. The CDTU side was represented by Mrs. Li Xi, Director of International Office, Mrs. Yang Ni, Mrs. Suki Tang. Both sides are interested in the potential to establish collaboration on an online academic activities in the near future, such as an online seminar or a cultural exchange program.

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