Railway Experts from UK and Netherlands Visit KMUTNB

On 8 September 2023, Prof. Dr. Clive Roberts, Director of the Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education Lead for the UK Railway Research and Innovation Network, University of Birmingham, England, and Prof. Dr. Rob Goverde, Director of the Digital Rail Traffic Lab, and Leader of the Railway Systems Theme, Delft University of Technology, Netherland, visited the Centre of Railway Innovation and Technology, KMUTNB. The two professors also discussed about the possible future clollaboration with KMUTNB faculty members and researchers led by Prof. Dr. Somrerk Chandra-ambhom, Vice President for Research and Information Technology Development, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Nattapong Makaratat, Assistant to the President for the University’s Environmental and Physical Development. This event was supported by the Council of University Presidents of Thailand.

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