Two Batches of the AdA International – Train the Trainer Receives Certificates

On 11 November 2022, at Cloud 9 Room, STRI Building, Mr. Hans-Ulrich Südbeck, Deputy Chief of Mission German Embassy Bangkok, Dr. Roland Wein, Executive Director German – Thai Chamber of Commerce, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sumet Umchid, Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance, co-presided over the certificate awarding ceremony of the AdA International – Train the Trainer. The training’s objective is to train the technical teacher according to the German quality standards of the AEVO (German-Ausbilder-Eignungsverordnung), and it was launched by the cooperation of the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce. The 1st Batch of the program was held between 5 May – 30 July 2021, while the 2nd Batch of the program was held from 16 June – 26 September 2022. This 120 hours long training course is designed for competent execution of complex training processes in the training workshop, learning objective analysis, method selection, media, implementation, evaluation method etc. The total numbers of the participants from both the 1st and 2nd Batches are 29 persons. The initiation of this training program is one among the university’s endeavors to keep up the standard of German model of technical education emphasizing on practice-based learning and to produce knowledgeable technicians with hands-on experiences. The ceremony was also attended by the team of KMUTNB’s GTCC’s executives including, Asst. Prof. Worawit Chaturapanich, Vice President for Administration, Ms. Sikan Kulchonchan, Vice President for International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Smith Songpiriyakij, Dean of College of Industrial Technology, Asst. Prof. Dr. Saowakhon Khunnawut, Director of Thai-German Pre-Engineering School, Mr. Markus Hoffmann, GTDEE Project Director, and Dr. Kamonsak Suradom, Senior Manager of German-Thai Dual Excellence Education.

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