Faculty of Engineering to Welcome a Delegate from the University of Southern Denmark

On 11 April 2022, at Faculty of Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petch Jearanaisilawong, Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs, Asst. Prof. Tanaporn Rojhirunsakool, Director of Center for International Engineering Programs, and Ms. Phimvalanch Moosikaphan, Director of International Cooperation Centre, warmly welcomed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Henrik Johnsen Vindt, Assistant Director of TEK Internationalisation, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Henrik Johnsen Vindt visited KMUTNB to have a meeting to explore the potential areas for future collaboration, and also introduce the SDU International Summer School 2022, which is a two week intensive program. For further details about the program, please visit the following link: SDU International Summer School 2022 - University of Southern Denmark, SDU.

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