8th UEC Seminar in ASEAN on “Resume collaborations during with-Corona era”

KMUTNB hosted the 8th UEC Seminar in ASEAN virtually on 5th March, 2022 on the theme “Resume collaborations during with-Corona era”. KMUTNB by Prof. Somrerk Chandra-ambhorn, vice president for research and information technology development welcomed all participants with an opening remark together with Dr.Shunichi Tano, the president of University of Electro-communications (UEC), a Tokyo based national university dedicated in science and technology on higher education and research. A strong commitment to encourage further collaborations in research and academic exchange between KMUTNB and UEC and among participating institutions was delivered to guests from academia, industries and governmental agencies from ASEAN countries and Japan including representatives from the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), JICA Project for ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN-SEED Net) and National Institute of Information and Technology (NICT) Asia Center. Activities on academic and research collaborations were shared by participating universities from Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia during the seminar, as well as how these collaborations could be strengthened even during the hard time of Covid-19 pandemic was discussed. The UEC Seminar in ASEAN is organized annually. Despite there are restrictions on the international travelling, 28 universities and organizations joined the 8th UEC Seminar in ASEAN at KMUTNB on-site and virtually.

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