Virtual Meeting between TU Ilmenau, Germany and KMUTNB

On 21 January, 2021, Prof. Dr.rer.habil Dr. Thomas Böhme and Prof. Dr. Thomas Hotz, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau) in Germany had the virtual meeting with the representatives from Faculty of Applied Science, KMUTNB: Prof. Dr. Saowanit Sukparungsee, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Yupaporn Areepong, and Assoc.Prof. Dr. Nuanpan Lawson.

At first, Ms. Sikan Kulchonchan, Vice President for International Affairs, KMUTNB started the online meeting with the welcome and introduced the representatives from both universities, then invited the delegates  to initiate the detail of academic cooperation, specifically in the field of statistics.  

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