Representatives from KMUTNB Join the Panel of The German-Thai Railway Association (GTRA) Webinar hosted by German-Thai Chamber of Commerce

On 13 January 2021, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nisai Fuengwarodsakul, Dean of The Sirindhorn Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering (TGGS) and Asst.Prof.Dr. Monpilai Narasingha, Professor in Faculty of Engineering of KMUTNB received the invitation to join in the German-Thai Railway Association (GTRA) Webinar. Both professors are appointed in the top GTRA management team. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nisai Fuengwarodsakul who is the Chairman of GTRA, with Asst. Prof. Dr. Monpilai Narsingha, Promoter of GTRA along with Mr. Tomasz Mazur, Co-chairman gave the introductory, discussion and Q&A session among the webinar attendees and presented the newly formed organization. The GTRA is organization registered on 13 September 2021 to collaborate in the development of railway industry in Thailand.

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