The KMUTNB’s Representative to Attend the CommTECH Online 2021 Organized by ITS, Indonesia

During 26 July to 6 August 2021, the representatives from KMUTNB attended the CommTECH Online 2021 Summer Edition, including Asst. Prof. Dr. Porawat Visutsak from Faculty of Applied Science, Dr. Siranee Nuchitprasitchai from Faculty of Information Technology and Digital Information, Dr. Obrom Aranyapruk from Faculty of Business Administration, and Ms. Waritdhakan Thongdee from Faculty of Business and Industrial Development. This innovative program was virtually organized by Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Indonesia, to provide an opportunity for university students and professionals from across the world to expand their knowledge in the community and global issues through a variety of activities. Not only being a platform for the participant to discuss, exchange ideas and develop a mutual goal for the future of the global community, but the program also offers an insight into the Indonesian culture and language.

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