RI2C2024 Highlights Electrification, Net Zero Innovation, and Biometric Research at Grand Fortune Hotel Bangkok

During 8 - 9 August 2024, the 5th Research, Invention, and Innovation Congress (RI2C2024) took place at the Grand Fortune Hotel Bangkok, organized jointly by King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok and the ECTI Association. The opening ceremony was led by Prof. Dr. Somrerk Chandra-ambhorn, Vice President for Research and Information Technology Development, who delivered the opening remarks. In its fifth year, the keynote addresses of the conference were given by Mr. Krisda Utamote, Director of Organization Communication at BMW (Thailand) Co., Ltd.; Mr. Chatchai Loybundit, Executive Vice President of Investment at BCPG Public Company Limited; and Prof. Dr. Vutipong Areekul from Kasetsart University. Their presentations covered topics such as “Moving Towards Electrification,” “Accelerating Innovation Towards Net Zero: Pathways and Opportunities,” and “Current Biometric Research: Strategies for Surviving in a Competitive Research Environment.” The conference showcased over 140 research papers from both Thai and international researchers, focusing on the themes of electrification, innovation for net zero, and competitive biometric research.

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