KMUTNB Faculty Expands Academic Ties with Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology

Asst. Prof. Supeeti Kulchan, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology and Management at KMUTNB Pracinburi Campus, recently reinforced academic collaboration between King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB) and the Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology (VKU). He was invited to visit VKU from 20 – 25 November 2023, to engage in a series of activities aimed at strengthening ties between the universities. Moreover, he attended a meeting with the VKU executives, discussing the possibility to deepen academic cooperation through the joint research projects and internship programs, and he also delivered lectures on "Object Oriented Concept with UML" and "CI/CD with GitLAB" to the students of VKU.

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