The KMUTNB Delegates to Visit Tsinghua University, China

During 7 – 9 August 2023, the delegates from King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok led by Prof. Dr. Somrerk Chandra-Ambhorn, Vice President for Research and Information Technology Development, was invited to attend the conference with the research network in Material Engineering. This conference was attended by the delegates from leading universities across the world and it was organized by the cooperation of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, and KMUTNB, Thailand. The delegates from KMUTNB presented papers at this conference in the topics as follows; Prof. Dr. Somrerk Chandra-Ambhorn: “Recent Research on the High Temperature Corrosion of Stainless Steels,” Asst. Prof. Dr. Tanaporn Rojhirunsakool: “Towards the High Temperature Material Development for Power Generation System,” Dr. Thammaporn Thublaor: “Sino-Thai Collaboration on Bainitic Rail Steel Development” and Asst. Prof. Dr. Pornsak Srisungsitthisunti: “Monitoring of Laser Processing by Infrared Imaging.” Beside presenting papers at the conference, the team of KMUTNB delegates also had an opportunity to discuss with the academic partners about the collaboration relevant to the regional policy in “One Belt One Road.”

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